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ZT13 series vertical and horizontal dual purpose CNC turntable

ZT13 (800 1200) E~EL series vertical and horizontal dual purpose (large) CNC turntable
  • dahua

ZT 13E( EL) NC rotary table with through hole in the spindle center is suitable for either horizontal or vertical position,it is a perfect accessory for NC miller and machine center.Used in combination with the control of NC machine tool or an independent control for non-NC machine tool,continuous cutting work for board type,disk type,hole plate as well as other parts fixed between table and tailstock can be carried out precisely,

ZT13 (250 630) E~EL series vertical and horizontal dual purpose CNC turntable
  • dahua

13E series CNC vertical horizontal rotary table is a key accessory for various CNC machines, milling machines and processing centers, which can be installed on the main machine work table in two ways: vertical and horizontal spindle, and used as the fourth rotary glaze of the main machine. Under the control of the relevant control system of the main machine

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